Kindergarten Curriculum Overview

District 126 offers a full day kindergarten program. Students are provided a rich, comprehensive curriculum as a foundation for future learning. Combining developmentally appropriate literacy, math, science and social studies experiences in a thematic approach, children learn essential academic and social skills.

Kindergarten classrooms use hands-on and multisensory approaches to support learning for all students. Early literacy development is fostered through the use of Jolly Phonics, Heggerty's Phonemic Awareness Skills and Benchmark Literacy. Additional interactions with books, computer programs and environmental print fosters support learning to read. Math is grounded in real life experience through Everyday Math. Science comes to life through units such as Animals Two by Two. Social Studies highlights understanding of seasonal cycles, holidays, and the community. Students who are learning English as a Second Language receive support both in the classroom and in small groups outside the class.

Parents receive progress reports each trimester that monitor student growth in both the academic and social aspects of school. Students are assessed using the Illinois Snapshots of Early Literacy (ISEL) 3 times per year to assure each child is progressing.

For more information please click on the following link:  Kindergarten Month by Month