NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP Tests)
Computers customize test to all students to show what they know.
District 126 monitors student learning and curricular effectiveness through standardized assessments. Students in grades 1 through 8 take NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP Tests) in Reading and Math each fall, winter and spring. The MAP test adjusts in difficulty to create an individualized test for each student. Results are available to classroom teacher the next day. Teachers are able to see how their classes did on various skills and use that information to tailor their instruction.
Students and teachers use the Fall MAP results to set performance goals for the coming school year. Learning to set and work toward goals is a vital step to success both now and in the future.
Reports to parents provide a long term view of student progress. The results of each new test are added to those of previous years. A line graph also provides a picture that quickly shows how a student is progressing and gives a target for the school year.
Parent & Student Strategies to Improve Reading, Writing and Mathematics