What is the School Board?
The School Board is comprised of seven residents of the school district who are elected to serve four-year terms without compensation. The School Board is required to meet in public. It is a governmental body which can take action only by majority vote at a public meeting.
The Superintendent is not a School Board member. He/she is a properly certificated and qualified individual hired by the School Board
The Role of the School Board
- To employ a Superintendent and hold him/her responsible for managing the schools in accordance with state law and the school board’s policies.
- To transact the legal business of the school district through discussion and voting among the members.
- To represent the citizens of the school district in providing local citizen control over education.
- To establish a wide variety of policies and standards describing what the schools are expected to accomplish in such areas as curriculum, transportation, building maintenance, staff development, student services, labor relations, human rights and community relations
Vice President