Freedom of Information Request (FOIA)
Request for Documents, in accordance with the State of Illinois Freedom of Information Act (5ILCS 140), must be submitted in writing and directed to the Freedom of Information Officers Mr. Steve Gress, Alsip, Hazelgreen & Oak Lawn District 126, Freedom of Information Officer, 11900 S. Kostner Ave., Alsip, IL 60803. Email requests will be accepted. Click here to send an email.
The following is a list of information available on this website, no FOIA request needed:
- Board policies
- Schedule of regular board meetings
- Public notice of each board meeting that is posted at least 48 hours before the meeting and remains posted until the meeting is concluded
- Agenda for each regular board meeting that is posted at least 48 hours before the meeting and remains posted until the meeting is concluded
- Official open meeting minutes that are posted within 7 days of the Board's approval and remain posted for at least 60 days
- Description of the District and its records
- Annual budget for the current year
- District current report card
- Administrative salary compensation report
- Current Contracts with the District 126, Federation of Teachers Council Local 943,PSRP (Educational Support Staff)
- Current contract with District 126 Local #73 SEIU
- Listing of all contracts over $25,000 for the current fiscal year
How Can I Submit a FOIA Request?
District 126 has no specific FOIA request form. Requests should state that information is being sought under the Freedom of Information Act. Provide a brief description of the public records requested, being as specific as possible. Requests must be submitted in writing and can be either mailed to the below address or emailed to the Freedom of Information Officers, Mr. Steve Gress.
Mailing Address:
Alsip, Hazelgreen and Oak Lawn District 126
Attn: Freedom of Information Officer
11900 S. Kostner Ave.
Alsip, IL 60803
What Happens After I Submit a Request?
The Illinois Freedom of Information Act requires agencies to respond within five business days of receipt of a request. An extension of time may be requested for reasons stated in 5ILCS 140/3(e)(ivii).