My name is Trish O'Sullivan and I'm excited to be teaching first grade!  I started with District 126 back in 2006.  Since then I've taught grades 4, 3, 2, and 1!  I've been teaching first grade since 2010. First grade is an amazing year full of challenges and incredible growth.  It is my favorite year because I am able to witness first hand the awesome transformation from September - June!  

It is very important that your child read each and every day.  This will build their confidence and fluency as well as create a lifelong love of reading.  Making reading  part of your daily routine is a great idea and you'll learn to love this special time with your child too! The type of reader your child is at the end of first grade sets the tone for how they will read for the rest of thier life!  

Also, your child is expected to complete math and phonics homework every night. Phonics homework goes home on Monday and is due on Friday.  Math homework goes home daily.  There is no homework on the weekend.  Taking homework seriously is an important skill that starts in first grade!

We are a team!  Together with your child we will have a wonderful year. If you ever have any concerns feel free to contact me : or by phone at 708-293-2207  ( I cannot answer the phone during the day.  If it is urgent please call the office).


Mrs. O'Sullivan