Welcome 6th Grade Families!

We are very excited to begin the new school year with your student!  We have many wonderful learning activities planned for the school year.  We have highlighted our curriculum for the year below.  


We are very proud to incorporate a reading experience for our 6th grade students here at Lane.  StudySync (along with Read 180) has been designed to accelerate students from basic to proficient levels, so they are prepared with the literacy expertise to thrive in the 21st century.  A 21st Century classroom is an open, flexible space with areas for group work, technology, classroom resources, and reflection as well as teacher-led instruction.  Through different units, students will engage in powerful reading strategies, including multiple forms of text, develop skills to self-monitor habits to become great writers.  We look forward to experiencing this new curriculum with your student!


This year science will start with exploring the Scientific Method.  We will stress the importance of the scientific method and how to safely and accurately conduct science experiments.  In addition students will focus on Life Science.  Students will have several projects to demonstrate their understanding of the biomes of the world and look into how all living things depend on the conditions in their environment.  

During our second trimester, we’ll explore Newton’s Toy Box.  Students will experiment freely with familiar toys and objects.  Students will engage in races, games, and challenges that emphasize Newton’s laws of motion.

As we get closer to spring time, our science unit will investigate the Water Cycle.  During this part of the trimester, students will conduct investigations to experience the awesome power of the water cycle and all its integral parts. 


6th Grade Mathematics – CMP4

6th grade math does not use the Everyday Math series, but continues to build off of the students background knowledge in the earlier grades.  We focus on mathematics vocabulary and multiple ways to solve equations with the state goals in number sense, measurement, algebra, geometry, and data analysis, statistics, and probability. Students will receive a math binder and a math resource book.   Homework will be given either from the book or a worksheet. Students will be expected to complete all assignments, study for tests and quizzes, and participate and take notes during class.  Students may use a calculator to check their work. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us! Thanks!

We look forward to a wonderful and exciting year with our students!  

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns throughout the year!  

I look forward to a wonderful and exciting year with my students! Please feel free to contact with any questions, comments, or concerns throughout the school year.

Ms. Kendryna: kkendryna@dist126.org