Lane School Arrival and Dismissal Procedure

Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

To ensure the safety of all students, we have specific arrival and dismissal procedures in place. The purpose of this letter is to remind everyone of these procedures that have been established to provide all students with a safe arrival and dismissal from school. Thank you for your cooperation in this important matter.

Bus Riders: 

  • Bus riders will continue to arrive and dismiss via the bus lane located at the front of the building.  Bus riders will enter and exit at the main entrance.  

  • Please note that the bus lane is for buses only.  Cars are not permitted to use that lane.  

Car Riders:  

Car riders will arrive and dismiss in the car rider lane located in the back of Lane School.  Please note that we share our car rider lane with our Preschool learners, so please be sure you enter and exit the car rider lane designated for Lane K-6 students.  We have staggered arrival and dismissal times, so it is very important that all parents are in the correct line to drop off and pick up their child. Only car riders are permitted to arrive and dismiss in this location.  

      Car Rider Arrival:

  • The car rider line will begin at 8:15 AM in the designated Lane School K-6 car rider lane.  

  • Cars are to enter the lane and follow the line to drop their child off to Lane staff who will provide supervision as they enter the building.  Cars then exit at the south end of the lane. Cars may only turn right onto Orchard Avenue. It is a right turn only lane.     

  • A staff member will be stationed at the drop off site to greet your child and direct them into the building. 

  • Parents/Guardians are not to exit their vehicle as it is a drop-off only lane for students. 

     Car Rider Dismissal:  

  • The car rider line will begin at 2:45 PM in the designated Lane School K-6  car rider lane.  

  • A staff member will be stationed at the pick-up site to dismiss your child to his/her car. 

  • Cars are to enter the lane and follow the line to pick their child up.  Cars then exit at the south end of the lane. Cars may only turn right onto Orchard Avenue.  It is a right turn only lane.     

  • Parents/Guardians are not to exit their vehicle as it is a pick up only lane for students. 


    Walker Arrival: 

  • Walkers will enter the building at the main entrance door.   

  • Walkers are to use the sidewalks on 123rd Street, Orchard Avenue and along the perimeter of the bus lane to safely walk to school.  

  • Students who cross 123rd Street will continue to cross with the crossing guard.  Additionally, beginning at 8:15 AM, a staff member crosses students at 123rd and Orchard Avenue for those students who need to cross Orchard Avenue.  

  • Please note that if your child is going to be a car rider, you need to drop them off in the car rider lane.  Cars are not permitted to drop students off in the front parking lot.   

  • For safety reasons, all students should be using the sidewalks, and should not walk in the parking lot.  

    Walker Dismissal:  

  • Walkers will be dismissed from Lane School with their teacher via the side Multipurpose Room door.  There is a sidewalk on the side of the building outside of the Multipurpose Room and Main Office.  

  • If you are coming to meet your child and walk home with them, please be sure you come to this new walker pick-up location to meet your child to walk home.   Teachers will remain there with the children until parents/guardians meet the child there.

  • Older students who walk home independently will be dismissed upon exiting the building with their teacher.  

  • Walkers are to use the sidewalks on 123rd Street and Orchard Avenue to safely walk home from school.  

  • Students who cross 123rd Street will continue to cross with the crossing guard.  Additionally, a staff member crosses students at 123rd and Orchard Avenue for those students who need to cross Orchard Avenue.  

  • Please note that if your child is going to be a car rider, you need to pick them up in the car rider lane.  Cars are not permitted to pick students up in the front parking lot. Walkers will not be dismissed to cars in the front parking lot for any reason during dismissal.  

  • For safety reasons, all students should be using the sidewalks, and should not walk in the parking lot.  

Thank you for your support and cooperation in providing a safe arrival and dismissal for all students!   If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lane School at anytime.