Production Studio

video camera iconThe Production Studio is a club where students broadcast the morning announcements "on air" to all the students and staff within the school.  The group is comprised of responsible fifth and sixth grade students. The club is managed this year by Mrs. Riley and Ms. Hamersly.

Each day, the children are responsible for communicating the morning broadcast to the school.   All Lane students recite the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lane School Pledge.  Daily announcements include student and staff birthdays, meeting times for clubs and activities, and our Lane School motto - "We Roar With Pride!"  There are also special announcements such as days off school, Media Center updates, after school activities, and Student Council events.

Students really enjoy being their school's anchor men and women!  They learn to work together, and become more expressive, articulate speakers.  The students use their personalities "on air" to engage their peers and keep them informed.

On to a wonderful year! And.....action!


Ms. Hamersly
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Mrs. Riley
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