Welcome to 6th grade!  This is an important year for students as we take on many responsibilities to prepare for Junior High.  Sixth grade students have real leadership roles to fulfill, from Production studio to Student Council, students rely on 6th graders to help our Lane School community.  

Independence and responsibility are a big part of our school day.  We often create cooperative learning groups, especially during science and social studies.  Students need to share ideas, complete experiments and prepare projects in a respectful, responsible manner.  For example, our Oregon Trail simulation and DefinedSTEM challenges allow students to be great learners while working with other students.   

We work closely with others in the district to ensure a smooth transition to Junior High.   For instance, we share literacy and mathematics curriculums with 7th and 8th grades as well as assessment information.  Students are always excited for our annual visit to the Junior High at the end of the year for a tour and a morning of presentations.

Sixth grade is challenging, fun and exciting at Lane.