Welcome to Read 180!

This alternative literacy curriculum is for Lane's 5th and 6th grade students. It builds off of past skills to further develop reading skills. Read 180 is composed of whole group lessons, small group lessons, individualized software, and independent reading at their lexile. We do individual conferencing and goal setting. We strive to develop a growth mindset for struggling readers.

Read 180 units include 6 workshops, 3 are taught in 5th grade and the other 3 are taught in 6th grade.

Workshop 1: "Think Big" - problem solving

Workshop 2: "Adapt...Or Die!" - animal adaptations

Workshop 3: "What's Your Story?" - everyday lives

Workshop 4: "True West" - old American West

Workshop 5: "The Earth Moves" - natural disasters

Workshop 6: "Go Team!" - working together

The best thing a child can do is to read every day! Read together, take turns, listen to audiobooks, or find a cozy, quiet space to enjoy a good book!